
Experienced Cardiologist in Big Spring, TX

Have you had a pain in your chest or felt a flutter or shortness of breath? If you have, seeing a cardiologist to treat your discomfort is necessary. Shroff Cardiology & Internal Medicine PA offers comprehensive cardiology services to patients in the Big Spring, Midland, and Odessa areas. Your heart impacts the rest of your body and caring for it is imperative. We diagnose and treat all conditions that may affect your cardiac health.
Cardiologist — Cardiologist Doctor Holding Red Heart In Big Spring, TX

EKG vs. Echocardiogram

Cardiology — Cardiology Stethoscope And Graphs In Big Spring, TX


An EKG or electrocardiogram graphs the movement or rhythm of your heart. With each beat, an electrical wave travels from one part of the heart to another part of the heart. Based on the time intervals on the EKG, the doctor can determine if the activity is normal or slow, fast or irregular.

Holter Monitoring — Cardiogram Monitor In Big Spring, TX


An echocardiogram is an ultrasound of the heart that provides moving pictures and information on the function and structure of the heart. With pictures from the ultrasound, you can see how well blood flows through your heart's valves and chambers.

Holter Monitor

A Holter Monitor is a battery-operated portable device with wires connected to small discs that record and measures your heart's rhythm for 24 to 48 continuous hours. Much like receiving an EKG, the doctor can determine if you have a regular, irregular, slow, or fast heartbeat.

PFT Breathing Test

Pulmonary Function Tests are tests that show how well your lungs are working. During the test, you will breathe into a mouthpiece that measures how much air you breathe in and out.
Additional Cardiology Services We Provide:
  • Nuclear Cardiolite Stress Test
  • Angiogram
  • Cardiac Cathetrization
  • Pacemakers
Call us today to schedule your next appointment at 432-267-9805.
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